How to make a donation to Myriad Europe?
As Myriad Europe is not a separate legal entity but simply the name that denotes the international activities of the King Baudouin Foundation, all donations are formally made to the King Baudouin Foundation itself or to Funds managed by it.
You may make two types of donations:
- To the King Baudouin Foundation itself, which is then free to assign monies as it sees fit to further its overall objectives. The donation can be made by a normal bank transfer to the account IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404 BIC GEBABEBB. You may also specify that the Foundation should use a donation for a particular theme or project.
- A donation to a specific project account or Fund, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation. This can be done by making a normal bank transfer to the account number IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404 BIC GEBABEBB and stating the structured communication reference or the name of the Fund.
Donations of 40 euros and above into the King Baudouin Foundation’s IBAN account: BE10 0000 0000 0404 – BIC: GEBABEBB result in a tax reduction of 45% of the amount actually paid for Belgian tax residents.
And what about making a donation abroad? This is also possible via the King Baudouin Foundation. We provide an international gateway that enables you to support projects in the public interest beyond our national borders. The Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network, which is coordinated by the KBF, enables you to make a cross-border donation to projects in 20 countries across Europe and to benefit from a tax reduction on donations of 40 euros or more. The Myriad alliance facilitates and encourages cross-border donations throughout the world.
The King Baudouin Foundation, and therefore Myriad Europe has been approved/agreed/registered in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France and Denmark. Thanks to this recognition it can provide a tax certificate for donations coming from these countries, in accordance with the tax legislation in the country concerned.
If the donors are based in European countries other than those mentioned above, in the United States or Canada, the Transnational Giving Europe Network, Myriad USA or Myriad Canada can assist these donors in making a donation that is also tax-deductible in their country of tax residence.